Text/Email Announcements | Archived Announcements

Practice schedule for the week of February 17-21:

How to view results at track meets: There are usually two ways to view results for our track meets.

  1. If you see a link on the bvtrack.com home page that reads "real time results" it is for viewing running event results as the runners cross the finish line. These results post in real time and then the page will reset for the next running heat. An example would be the link on the home page of bvtrack.com that reads BV Time Trial Real Time Results. Although they exist, we usually do not have real time results for field events.
  2. The second way to view results is when the entire event is over. You will be able to view compiled results at a different link like the one on our home page that reads Compiled Results. These results show every competitor's time or mark (field events) in each event and the overall order that they finished a short time after each event is complete.

(posted 2-8-25)

The 2025 Season Off and Running!: We officially begin our 2025 track and field season on Monday, February 10. This means that practice is no longer voluntary but manditory. ROLL CALL WILL BE TAKEN DAILY. If you need to be absent from practice you will need to email Coach U to let him know the reason you are absent (distance runners email Coach Kuphaldt). If you are still out for a winter sport or still haven't gotten cleared on sportsnet then please contact Coach U and let him know your status. Click for clearance list.

Follow this link to read our team handbook. It contains all of the team rules and guidelines that you will be responsible for.

The coaching staff is looking forward to working with you this year! GO BRONCOS!

(posted 2-3-25)

2025 Track and Field Pre-Season Conditioning: The Bella Vista Track and Field Team will begin pre-season conditioning starting Tuesday, January 21 at 3:45 pm. Meet at the BV track (in the stadium) and wear something you can work out in. You will need to be cleared through the BV athletics department before you can participate. For information on the clearance process follow this link.

Follow this link to see if you are cleared to start training with the team.

Follow this link to view a check list on how to get started with the registration process.

It's January and it could be cold so bring a sweatshirt and sweatpants that you can warm up in and wear when you are done. We will meet every week day Monday through Friday with the exception of Monday, January 20 because of the Holiday.

Athletes who are currently in a winter sport (basketball, soccer & wrestling) need to finish the winter sport season before they can join the track team.

(posted 1-1-25)

All Girls Team Members We Need Your Help! When we had our sign ups on December 4 in the big gym one of the forms that the girls used to sign up accidentally got thrown away. Please follow this link to view the girls roster so far. If you don't see your name on the list please email me your information (see previos post below). If you don't see someone that you know signed up please let them know to send me the same information. Thanks!

(posted 12-18-24)

Still Need To Sign-up For The Bella Vista Track and Field Team?  You can sign up here by emailing Coach U the following information:  Your first and last name, grade in school, parents/guardians names, parents/guardians email address, parents/guardians cell phone number, your cell phone number, t-shirt size.  Click here to email your sign-up information to Coach U.  You can also see Coach U during the day at BV to sign up. For all other information on the up coming 2025 Bella Vista track and field season follow this link to the frequently asked questions page.

(posted 12-4-24)

2025 Track and Field Team Sign Ups: The Bella Vista Track and Field Team will be having sign-ups on Wednesday, December 4, 2024 at lunch in the big gym.  Those wanting to join the team will need to be there to sign up and collect important information on the upcoming 2025 season.  If you have any friends who want to come out make sure that they stop by!

Pre-season conditioning begins Tuesday, January 21. Our season officially begins Monday, February 10.   You must go through the clearance process to be able to participate with the team during pre-season conditioning!  Click the "clearance process" link above for more information on athletic clearance, grades, etc... (posted 11-17-24)